Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Fireday

Hip-Hop, RnB, Alternative Blues all in one room. It wasn't Friday at all, it was FIREDAY!  Jammin Java was packed by 9:30pm.  The venue filled with people of all ages by the end of the night.  There were lots of new faces in the room too.  I heard people traveled from Pennsylvania just to peep the scene out.  That's amazing.

First and foremost, I would like to thank all of the artists that showed up and rocked the stage.  I felt very lucky to have the opportunity to experience such an electic array of music.  It was a one of a kind show and your musical geniuses really set a tone for talent in this area.  Second, to all the fans and supporters, you guys are the best!  I cannot believe how loud the place was.  The cheering, hoot and holler from everyone made the evening that much better.  Fans dispersed amongst one another making it almost impossible to see who showed up to see who. 

Big thanks to Cheryl Koo of The Other Duck. She traveled from Los Angeles to participate in this event.  The fashion show definitely gave the show a twist in entertainment.  I'm glad that she allowed us to experience her world of fashion.  The DMV needs to see more of you Cheryl :)

Last but not least, KnoName Media received tons of support and we appreciate everyone for it.  It's with your help that we're able to keep it moving and bring you great music and events. 

Check out highlights from the show below:

Look at that crowd!
Dope Inc. rocks the stage!
LAStone of SNRG on the mic.

I.Speak and Alex Cena

POETIC on the mic

K-Prime time

Paradise of Cultural Affairz teased the audience

Models & Cheryl Koo of the Other Duck Fashion Show

Please continue to support your local artists.  In order to grow, we all have to grow together.  We can't do this alone. Be proud of where you're from.  Stand up DMV!

God Bless,
Jae Love


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